Please select a connection to receive the text The connection could not be opened due to a network error Please choose a new filename Please wait while the program performs the initial setup That server name already exists in : Not registered You have joined too many channels Aliases The File Receive folder was not found Please enter the nickname member members Stop Logging… Start Logging… A TCP error occurred when attempting to open the connection Bad channel mask Incorrect channel key You are banned from the channel The channel is invite only The channel is full Can't join channel is inviting you to join channel Please enter the word to search for Please enter the supervisor password A topic that is being discussed in this channel is restricted by the Guardian The access to this channel is restricted Access to this function is restricted File transfer is restricted Connecting to the network is restricted Access to the Guardian panel is restricted Please choose another The nickname is already in use The nickname contains illegal characters Can't store the record: Can't store the new record: The nickname is incomplete or a duplicate. Please select a parting message. Please select a Quit message servers. It contains Are you sure you want to delete the server ? Are you sure you want to delete the group ? Please name the new server group.